Enterprise Advisor
Amanda Milner
Amanda started her career as an insurance claims handler in 1992. Since this time she has worked in various customer service management roles within Covéa Insurance and now leads a team of over 40 talented and ambitious people. Covéa Insurance employs nearly 2,000 people and is passionate about developing careers that provide valuable skills, builds knowledge, enhances confidence and leads to new and exciting opportunities for their people.
As our Enterprise Advisor, Amanda brings invaluable insights around recruitment and what businesses are looking for when acquiring and retaining talent. She has supported many of Covea’s graduate programmes, apprenticeship schemes and internships.
The Enterprise Advisor Network is a national network that connects schools and colleges with employers and careers programmes to work together to create meaningful encounters with the world of work for young people. The scheme helps unlock relationships with other local employers and provides the head teacher or careers team with strategic counsel to develop an effective careers strategy. The premise is that the more a young person interacts with employers, the greater their chance of career success.
We are delighted that Amanda and her colleagues at Covéa Insurance will be working with students to prepare them for future job applications, interviews and to support their thinking in how to approach the world of work.