Pay & Benefits Exceeding £100k

In compliance with clause 2.29 of the Academy Trust Handbook (2023), the following table summarises Maiden Erlegh Trust employees whose benefits exceed £100k per annum, in bands of £10k. Benefits for this purpose include salary, employers’ pension contributions, other taxable benefits and termination payments.

Note: The employer pension contribution rate for those members of staff enrolled into the Teachers Pension Scheme increased from 23.68% to 28.68% with effect from 1 April 2024. This change was determined by the Government and not Maiden Erlegh Trust.

The employer pension contribution rate for those members of staff enrolled into the Local Government Pension Scheme is determined by the Scheme Administrator, and not Maiden Erlegh Trust. In 2023-24 the employer contribution rate was 22.6%.

Banding of combined benefits 2023-24 2022-23 2021-22 2020-21
£100k - £110k 6 3 2 2*
£110k - £120k 1 - 1 1
£120k - £130k 2 - - 1
£130k - £140k - - 1 1
£140k - £150k - 2 - -
£150k - £160k 1 - 1 -
£160k - £170k 1 - 1 1
£190k - £200k - 1 - -
£200k - £210k - - - -
£210k - £220k 1 - - -

* Includes severance payment

Note: Those members of staff whose benefits exceed £100k per annum and therefore require disclosure include Trust Senior Management (2), Trust School Improvement team (4) and Headteachers (6).